Baltimore, MD. 21222
+1(443) 961-1766

Website Hosting

Let THINKTECHMD and our partners provide you with the very best in website hosting options. Our team has spent invaluable time vetting hosting providers. This investment of our time translates into reliable service delivery for our customers.

WordPress Hosting

For our WordPress customers, we leverage WPENGINE, the worlds leading dedicated WordPress hosting service. Let THINKTECHMD be your one-stop shop to design and host your WordPress Site.

Application Hosting

We understand how important it is to have a reliable and scalable web application hosting fabric. THINKTECHMD maintains tenants on Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). If you have an existing application and are looking to improve performance and save money, let THINKTECHMD help you. Often customers have invested in costly onsite hardware, to drive their mission-critical service– assuming inherent expense to monitor and maintain those systems. Let THINKTECHMD evaluate your application’s framework and assist in facilitating savings by taking advantage of cloud technologies that scale with you on-demand.

Would you like to know more?

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Meet Demanding SLAs

Our providers tout a 99.9% (triple 9s) for their availability of service.

Website Migration

Do you need a website migrated to another hosting provider or to one of THINKTECHMD’s partners? We can help you. Let our trained and experienced team assist you. Often we can provide the customer with a cost and feature comparison to assist in making informed decisions.

Our Partners